
Eindhoven is the fifth-largest city of the Netherlands located in the south of the country, in the province of North Brabant. This is the city of innovation, tech, and design, but especially of the future. Over 125 years ago, Philips brought light to Eindhoven. In doing so, the company turned the city into an industrial success story. Just Google the word "innovation." The first images you see are light bulbs for a reason. In short, Eindhoven is a city bursting with energy, and we love to share it with you! With the help of this page, you'll learn everything you need to know about Eindhoven.

General info about Eindhoven and North Brabant can be found at the following links:
Visit Eindhoven city: https://www.thisiseindhoven.com/en 
Visit North Brabant: 

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