Extended abstract or full paper submission

Participants who wish to present a paper at COBEE 2025 and have already received acceptance for their submitted abstract are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper via this link: https://www.conftool.com/cobee2025/ . Please use the same credentials (username and password) that were created for abstract submission.
Note that the type of submission in the next round (full paper or extended abstract) does not influence the type of presentation that will be assigned to a submission (oral presentation or poster presentation).

When preparing your extended abstract or full paper, please follow the guidelines found in the template and please remember to also copy/paste the summary text in the corresponding section of Conftool platform, as requested by the system.

Extended abstract and full paper submission opens on 15 December 2024 and closes on 7 February 2025.

Download template

Word template
LaTex template

If you require assistance with submitting your extended abstract or full paper submission, please do not hesitate to contact us at cobee2025@tue.nl.


A selection of papers could be published as part of a Special Issue on an international peer-reviewed journals. To be announced in the coming months.

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